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Data Governance Tools

Make data integrity and compliance the default

Empower your organization with comprehensive data governance tools, ensuring data integrity, compliance, and security every step of the way.

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Trusted by Industry Leaders

Data Governance Software

Data governance and data quality go hand in hand

Streamline data governance processes and ensure regulatory compliance with AI-based data quality monitoring.
  • View all your tables and data quality information at a glance
  • Mitigate risks across your entire warehouse with automated anomaly detection using AI
  • Easily set up validation rules and metrics tracking for key compliance thresholds
Data Governance tools
Data Governance Tools

Data Management

Leverage your data securely and effectively

With Anomalo, you get more visibility into your data and confidence in how it’s being used.
  • Integrate data quality information into data catalogs like Alation
  • Immediately get notified of data outages or incidents and alert affected downstream consumers
  • Minimize issues when migrating data or integrating new sources

Data Assets

Ensure your most sensitive data is protected

Anomalo provides the highest level of security, so your data is always in your control.
  • SOC 2 Type II certification, HIPPA compliant
  • In-VPC deployment means data never leaves your systems
  • Sophisticated role-based access controls
Data Governance tools
Data Governance tools

Data Lineage

Map data from source to consumption

See data lineage information along with data quality stats, all in one place.
  • View how data flows upstream from the source to your table
  • Explore all downstream consumers of the data
  • Identify the impact and root-cause of data quality issues, faster

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Key Benefits

Data Governance Tools

Meet rigorous regulatory compliance standards

When you are working with financial data or other sensitive information, it’s essential to ensure data is fit for purpose. Anomalo brings you peace of mind with comprehensive data quality monitoring that’s fully customizable for your compliance needs.

Improve data discovery

Integrate Anomalo’s monitoring with data catalogs like Alation to bring data quality information to everyone at the organization, letting them see which popular tables might have issues or where high-quality data is readily available.

Built-in metadata management

Track aspects like data quality metrics, ownership, and change history directly from Anomalo. Integrate with ticketing platforms to follow the triage workflows for data quality incidents.

Enhanced decision-making

Everyone from the C-suite to individual data analysts is empowered to make better decisions when they’re building from a baseline of trustworthy, high-quality data about your business.

Ensure responsible data usage for ML models

With extra scrutiny on data being used for ML models and generative AI applications, Anomalo helps you ensure your models are trained on high-quality data and retrained when there are problems of bias or data drift.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions about our data governance software, we are happy to answer them.

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What specific data governance features does Anomalo offer?

Data quality is a key part of a data governance program, possibly the most essential component, as it ensures that the data is reliable and available to be used. Anomalo is a comprehensive data quality monitoring platform, with checks for table availability, late data, data completeness, and AI-based anomaly detection. We also offer additional data governance features, including data profiling, which provides visualizations of how data is distributed in your tables, and data lineage, which shows you how data flows upstream and downstream of a table. Finally, Anomalo implements many security measures that ensure that we meet the high standards set within your organization.

How does Anomalo integrate with existing data management systems and workflows?

Anomalo integrates with tools at every level of the data management workflow. First, we integrate with all of the most popular cloud data warehouses, data lakes, and on-premises data storage systems to ensure that we can monitor data at your organization no matter where it is stored. Anomalo is a Databricks Partner and part of the Snowflake Partner Program as well. Second, we integrate with data transformation tools like Airflow and dbt, so you can run Anomalo’s data quality checks directly as part of your data pipelines and workflows. Third, we integrate with data catalogs like Alation so that when a table is failing data quality checks, that will show up directly in the data catalog to warn users that the data may not be trustworthy. And finally, Anomalo integrates with communication platforms like Slack and ticketing platforms like Jira so you can ensure that alerting, triage, and strong resolution practices are in place for any quality incidents.

What level of customization and scalability does Anomalo provide?

Anomalo provides a high level of customization. Beyond the comprehensive default checks Anomalo offers, users can enter custom data validation rules in our no-code UI. Or, they can specify a limitless range of SQL-based rules programmatically, using our API. For scalability, Anomalo is designed to run efficiently for the largest enterprises with vast amounts of data, spanning tens of thousands of tables/datasets that can have potentially hundreds of thousands of columns and billions of records.

How can Anomalo help with cost reduction in the data management process?

Anomalo is a cost-effective monitoring solution because it uses table metadata management for the broadest range of checks, which can confirm late, incomplete, or missing data without needing to query the data values inside your tables. Then, for any tables where you want to run deeper checks, you can enable AI-based anomaly detection and/or rule-based or metrics-based monitoring. This allows you to scale monitoring to all your tables without having to write extensive rules for each and every table, which is often the default solution without an AI-based monitoring tool like Anomalo. Ultimately, data quality incidents are extremely expensive to fix, so putting comprehensive data quality management in place usually pays for itself in the reduction in personnel resources and reputation risk.

What measures does Anomalo implement for data security?

Anomalo implements various security measures to ensure that your data is always protected. We are SOC 2 Type II certified, meaning that we meet the highest levels of security and privacy requirements for our customers. SOC 2 is an extensive auditing procedure that ensures that a company is handling customer data securely and in a manner that protects the organization as well as the privacy of its customers. Anomalo is also HIPPA compliant. We maintain a strict data processing agreement with our customers.

To help organizations mitigate risk, we offer fine-grained role-based access controls. A data governance team can fully administer rules around which users in the organization can see which data inside Anomalo. We also provide (and recommend) a fully in-VPC deployment option. Unlike the SaaS or hybrid deployments that many vendors use, an in-VPC deployment ensures that your data never leaves your system and you maintain complete ownership of your data’s security.

Can Anomalo work with our current data governance framework?

Anomalo works with leaders in data governance at many Fortune 500 companies. We’re adept at adapting to how different organizations and teams approach data governance. For one thing, Anomalo’s tool is flexible enough to incorporate any number of custom rules and metrics tracking. In addition to our native integrations, we provide webhooks for nearly limitless custom integrations, including integrations with internal governance systems you may have developed. To talk to us more about your data governance needs, request a demo.

How does Anomalo compare to other data governance solutions?

Anomalo is a comprehensive data quality monitoring platform that integrates with other data governance tools, such as data catalogs. Data governance is a broad area, with data quality being a key component — perhaps the most important component — of a complete governance solution. We believe that organizations are better served by a monitoring system that specializes in data quality in addition to using other tools for data governance, rather than adopting data governance software that tries to be all-inclusive. Not only because all-in-one solutions expose you to the risk of vendor lock-in, but also because data quality monitoring is a deep area. Anomalo’s team is uniquely specialized in AI-based monitoring techniques to find anomalies in your data at scale, without the need for extensive manual setup. Other data governance tools may offer more surface-level monitoring, or may not include data quality monitoring at all.

Get Started

Meet with our expert team and learn how Anomalo can help you achieve high data quality with less effort.

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